Thursday, September 1, 2011

#5 Stanford

2010-2011: 12-1 (8-1, Pac-12)

It's become common for people to pick Stanford ahead of Oregon, but there is little reasoning behind the move.  Oregon beat Stanford last year, and Stanford was a better team last year than they are this year whilst Oregon is just as good.  Stanford lacks any real form of a running game, hoping by committee will satisfy their needs for a second straight year.  However, I will admit that Stanford has the talent to make a gigantous move this season.  The Cardinal could easily find their way to New Orleans, but they'll have to beat Oregon to get well as a talented Notre Dame team and the unappreciated USC L.A.  With all this said, Stanford has a great team that will make a splash this year, for the sake of Paolo Alto, I hope it's a good splash.

2011-2012 Outlook:
 Key Game: November 12th versus Oregon...honestly no other game matters on the Stanford schedule at this point.
Predicted Record: 11-1 (7-1) {loss @Arizona}

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