Thursday, September 1, 2011

#10 Nebraska

2010-2011: 10-4 (6-2, Big XII)

I'm not sold on Taylor Martinez.  T-Magic had a fantastic beginning to 2010, but he fell off after an ankle injury.  Now, rumor has it that Martinez's ankle was far more injured than was let on by the Cornhuskers.  It is logical to believe that since the team wouldn't want Martinez to be targeted during a game.  Martinez failed to throw for more than 167 yards in a game in his last five starts, which has little to do with a slightly above hurting ankle.  Nebraska has a lot of talent, but I'm not sure Martinez is the Heisman hoping, defense crushing QB that many people feel he is.  For Martinez's and College Football's sake I hope he proves me wrong because he can be an electrifying player who is really fun to watch.  We'll have to wait and see if Martinez really is the defensive nightmare come October.

2011-2012 Outlook:
Key Game: October 1st @Wisconsin...A preview for the Big Ten title game?  Easily could be.
Predicted Record: 10-2 (6-2) {losses @Wisconsin and @Penn State}

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