5.You Will Always Be Together =D
The Idealism:
We're going to be best friends forever! No one can separate us, our friendships are forever and ever incessant! (Redundancy). Throughout grade school, high school, college, and even adult life we'll be hanging out and visiting Party City together!
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My Weekend Hangout...seriously |
Imagine the phrase "BFF's", it kinda makes me vomit. It is nearly impossible to have the same best friends forever. Now, I'm not saying you cannot be a friend with someone forever, but the vast majority of people will change cliques continuously throughout life. Some friends may stick around as you shift. I have had the same friend through four friend shift and he is now still my best friend, but roughly 94% of my friends hangout with others now, not to say they aren't my "friends", they just aren't my clique. One cannot expect a group of friends will subsist throughout a life. Changes are a part of life and must be taken in stride. From my personal experience I can cite a changing of the guard in the group of girls we hangout at 5 when I was in high school. Changing groups of friends can be the hardest thing to do in life, but it is something which is bound to occur multiple times.
4. Everyone loves Everyone the same! :D
The Idealism:
I love all my friends equally! I couldn't imagine losing a single one of them, it would be like cruel harsh torture similar to the brazen bull!
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This is the same as losing one friend |
Just like everything else in your life, you pick favorites among your friends. I mean you have a favorite cereal...which is Cocoa Pebbles, of course. Anyways, there are some friends which will rub you the wrong way more than others and you'll end up thinking less of them. Take it from a professional on the relationships of life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl9VxVmXAxs.
that's right, Dane Cook knows. If you ignore all the ridiculousness in that clip it really is interesting (and yes, funny) how correct Dane is. I'm not sure if he knows it or not, though...
3. Your Friends Never Gossip About You:)
My friends and I can trust each other in every way! They'd never tell any of my secrets to anyone and we would never talk about each other behind each others' backs! That is erroneous!
Every last one of your friends has at some point or another talked about you behind your back...and then there is a 99.9% chance that it was something negative about your character. I know this may be a wake up call for nearly everyone, but hey wake up! I don't like thee fact, but the fact is that it is a fact. There is something about you that your friends find frustrating, no matter what, and when you aren't around they have the opportunity to vocalize it, hoping the others share the opinion. This doesn't mean they aren't your friends, it is just what humans do, they gossip. The same goes for that precious secret you tell. People like to share secrets, whether it be to impress a girl who they want to...impress or to build an interesting pow-wow on a weekend night. It is just a fact of life, if you are going to have friends they are going to talk about your faults behind your back. Every human being in the world does this, it is "human nature"...it makes us happy to gossip!
2. Friends Always Remain the Same ^_^
My Friends are constants. He's this way, she's that way...that's the way they are! It's a ser situation! Not estar! They ain't changing!
It honestly shouldn't surprise anyone, but people change all the time. It is a given, just like gossiping, that your friends will change their outlook on life. People may decided they no longer like Rugrats or Dragonball Z...which makes them stupid, but hey that's not the point here. People don't like to think their friends will suddenly be in favor of different things, but it happens. Your friends some day may not want to go to your high school's football games, but instead want to hangout with some girls. Once again, ridiculous but I digress. The best example of this is being "whipped", when someone decides to go out and do whatever they girlfriend/boyfriend wants no matter what...and suddenly he or she is never around. It is sad, but it is very common. Also, people may change their philosophies entirely on life, what they do, and what they think is proper...but I digress at this point.
1. I will Always Accept my Friends! Even if They Change! O_o
So what if my friends change? I will always love who they are! They are the most bestiest friends ever!
You will probably see this and immediately begin gossiping about the person behind his or her back as soon as they are hanging out with their girlfriend of boyfriend because they are whipped....End of article
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