Thursday, August 26, 2010

Team Hoyt

Everyone has things that inspire them.  Everyone sees things which make them "wow".  People love to see an athlete do something amazing.  Usain Bolt running a record 100m sprint, LeBron James throwing down a windmill 360 dunk, or Chris Johnson running for 2,006 yards in a season make us shake our heads at their dominating athleticism.  There is something that goes beyond any type of achievement in sports.  No dynasty, no dunk, no rush, no sprint, no "Miami Super Team" deserves the honor and "wow" that Richard Hoyt and his son Rick have earned.  Many people know who they are, but I feel the Hoyts have the right to become the most famous athletes in the world.  Team Hoyt runs, bikes, and swims triathlons, one of the world's most grueling sports.  The Hoyts have never won an event they have competed in.  The Hoyts are 0-958 in their endurance races, including 25 Boston Marathons.......Team Hoyt consists of Dick/Rick Hoyt, a father and son.  Rick is 48 and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy out of the womb because his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, cutting off oxygen flow to his brain.  Dick is 70 and decided at age 37 he wanted to start running.  He ran 5 miles with Rick in a wheelchair ahead of him.  Rick told his father, "Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped."  After this, Dick began training, and team Hoyt has been training ever since.  I would love to keep talking about the Hoyts, but I feel a video would do more than my meager words could ever do to describe the incredible father/son tandem.

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