Tuesday, August 17, 2010

#2 Ohio State

#2 Ohio State
2009-2010: 11-2...defeated Oregon in Rose Bowl

Terrelle Pryor may be the most scrutinized player in College Football since he arrived in Columbus.  Many questioned his decision to join Ohio State.  OSU already had a starting QB for that year plus their Pro-Style playbook doesn't fit Pryor's skill set.  Enter Michigan.  Rich Rod had just gotten to Ann Arbor and had brought his Spread Offense with him, but he lacked a Quarterback to fit the style.  Pryor would have made a great Spread Offense Quarterback, but chose Ohio State instead of the Wolverines.  He showed no evidence of being an effective Pro-Style QB, until the Rose Bowl.  In his biggest game yet, Pryor shined and has turned himself into a Heisman favorite.  Ohio State will, as always, have a vicious and hungry defense that will keep Pryor in any game against any team even in the insane Big-10.  Now the question is, will Pryor be the MVP he was in the Rose Bowl, or will he once again keep other teams in the game?

2010-2011 Outlook:
Key Game: October 16th at Wisconsin (Ohio State ran through the Big-10 except for a slip up against Purdue.  Camp Randall not only offers the loudest stadium they will play in, but also their best opponent.)
Predicted Record: 12-0, 8-0

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