Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Americans Became Terrorists:

Maybe the biggest story of 2011 so far (debatable, but isn't everything?) is the capture and death of Osama bin Laden.  The renowned leader of the terrorist al-Qaeda has been public enemy #1 in the glorious USA since the horrific morning of September 11th, 2001, and rightfully so.  He successfully hid in the mountains of Pakistan for 10 years, attempting to beat the record of Jimmy Hoffa  Suddenly, on the evening of May 1st, 2011 it was announced bin Laden had been captured and killed, which was cool.  American people let out shouts of joy and even paraded outside the White House in victory...but isn't it a little hypocritical and oxymoronic we would celebrate in such a way?  Don't we despise the terrorists because they take pride in the destruction of others?  Do we not see them dancing at the death of our soldiers and vomit?  What happened to class?  I know it was the biggest bad guy on earth, but it does not mean it is right to take pride in his death, especially to such an extreme.  We became the exact people we have been despising for 10 years and all it took was the death of one man.  We should feel content that Osama has been handled, but there is absolutely no need to parade around as if all the world's problems have been solved.  We need to remember there could be backlash and the terrorists probably won't be too excited about their leader dying, only to followed by our excessive celebration, unsportsmanlike conduct, and ridiculousness.  We should be more worried about bringing the dammed war to an end rather than celebrating the death of one man with such lavishness.  It was not American and we should be ashamed to act so much like the uncivilized terrorists of the Middle East.  We became the enemy, and that is indeed, a shame.


  1. Interesting how similar you and I think. Good post buddy, I was talking to Dan about the same thing. I also wonder why we are celebrating more than 10 years of failure to capture one guy...seems like Osama won this one after evading an entire country for so long. Keep the posts coming!

  2. Agree completely. I was appalled by the Mirror Lake incident at Ohio State that made National News. Great post, Adam. You have a lot of insight in your posts. ;)

