Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#12 Boise State

2010-2011: 12-1 (7-1, Western Athletic Conference)

The Broncos continue on the path to trying to become the first ever non-BCS school to win the National Championship.  The BCS was established in 1998 and the most nondescript team to win might be Tennessee way back in 1998.  Kellen Moore (maybe the ugliest player in college football) has returned, but he has lost both of his top two receivers.  This will affect the Boise passing game, but luckily the team also has a standout runningback (Doug Martin).  Finally, Boise has a great offensive line to give Moore a little time.  So what's not to like about Boise this year?  They could easily win the Mountain West (it's new conference), but it's fortunate fact that isn't enough.  Luckily, Boise could go undefeated and not see the National Title game.

2011-2012 Outlook:
Key Game: November 12th versus TCU...this game will be for the MWC title, as it should be, and likely a BCS bowl berth.
Predicted Record: 10-2 (7-1) {losses versus Georgia and TCU} 

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