Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Noel Devine: A Bigger Badass Than You Even Knew..

Starting out with a name like Noel Devine is a good foundation when creating a building of "badassary", but for some reason, having that ridiculous name was not enough even though a vast majority of the human population would have kindly settled.  Noel Devine was born in Fort Myers, Florida, just like Deion Sanders.  He attended the same high school as Sanders, but chose the University of West Virginia as a blue chip, 5-Star recruit.  Devine was well known before his college days due to his outstanding high school career.  He finished his college career in Morgantown by eclipsing 4,000 yards for his career.  Devine may not be the most touted player when the draft comes this April, in fact many people have him ranked around the 12th best running back prospect.  Devine is very similar to Darren Sproles who has been relatively unsuccessful in the NFL...but Devine's future in the NFL is not why I am writing this it is because Noel Devine may be the world's biggest badass ever:

To begin with, both of Devine's parents died before he was 12, both of complications due to the AIDS virus, but there was speculation of Noel's badassary dispelling badass which they couldn't handle.  Custody of Noel was given to his maternal grandmother, but due to his grandmother's lack of worthiness, he moved in with his friend, but it doesn't stop here.  When Devine was walking home one day with his friend Rashard Patterson, a man aimed at them with a shotgun.  Patterson was killed by a blast to the chest.  Devine is also the father of two children, of which we presume was forced sexual interaction by the government in order to preserve the gene which has enabled Devine to become so awesome.  To continue this legend which I am sure is becoming hard to believe, Devine is pretty much best friends with Deion Sanders.  Sanders has become a true mentor to Devine and the two are tight enough that Sanders at one point considered becoming Noel's legal guardian; however, Noel didn't want to tarnish Sander's legend when his own story came out and so he pretty much usurped the Sander's Cadillac Escalade and flew back to Florida.

The story of Noel Devine's past makes what he has done with his life even more special.  Often people criticize athletes for being lazy and never trying to be the best people they can be, but to understand Devine's past and see how he was able to still get through High School and College and graduate and eventually end up in the National Football League is a truly inspiring tale which I may read to my children every night and when they cannot make it to the NFL when they have advantages Devine could never dream of, I will curse the Lord for giving me kids whose level of "badassary" does not deserve to strap the sandals of Devine's "badassary".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Video and a Inspirational Message:

The world has become a tough place to be.  Usually I just post ironic messages of satirically bashing on people. but today I have decided to be a little more positive...I just want everyone of my 8 followers to remember that we all are here for a reason and even if you feel that you need to give up, there is always someone there to help you and talk to you.  Never feel alone, no matter how alone you might feel.  Get out there and be the person you want to be and look for the people who want you to be that person.  Someone will love you for the way you are and it will be a much better feeling than being a plastic who walks around and doesn't do anything.  I hope you all read this and it makes you feel a little better about your situation and your life.  Carpe Diem! followers, Seize the Day!  Make your lives extraordinary! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Should We Really Care? (Logic says no, but ESPN says yes!)

Cam Newton, he seems to be okay at what he does, he does football well.  He has all the makings of a good, but not great NFL Quarterback.  He can throw the ball accurately, as he proved in the throughout the season in the SEC.  If there is one thing we can learn from Tim Tebow's two successful starts, it is to never doubt an SEC no matter what people say about his chances in the pros; however, no one seems to be talking about Cam or his ability "to football".  While people should be buzzing about how he brought Auburn their second National Championship and their only other one was in 1957.  No, no, no...that is way too....uncontroversial?  The only news Cam Newton is making is hugging his father after the game because it was announced by ESPN announcers that Cecil Newton was not in attendance...why?  What does this have to do with anything?  Because Cecil Newton tried to do what hundreds of other parents did, but got caught and now suddenly his attempt to sell Cam to Mississippi State should keep everyone from appreciating his son's accomplishments?  It is a shame that people only want controversy now, it feeds the seemingly insatiable hunger for people to see that athletes are people.  Some like to think of athletes as being above us, which is ridiculous, but not even comparable in ridiculousness to the larger mass which loves to see an athlete fall because they don't deserve the millions they earn for "playing games".  It is"we'll give you more to come here".  The world is all about seeing athletes become famous and then fall.  Cam Newton doesn't deserve to be a Michael Vick or a Ben Rothlisberger, especially since he did literally zero things to get any bad publicity.  Cam Newton deserves to be called nothing but a great football player and a future professional player.  A Quarterback who can run a 4.5 forty but weighs in at 250-260 pounds.  He is a future star, if not at Quarterback then he could make one hell of a running back or wide receiver, but do you really not want an accurate, strong-armed, fast, 6'6" Quarterback who makes a difference every play on the field.  I almost forgot for a second there that Cam Newton's dad almost accepted money for him to attend a school he didn't attend.  The school he didn't just win a National Championship for as a Heisman Trophy wait, should we care?  Probably not, but I guess until ESPN stops talking about it, people will.