Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Video and a Lesson on Football

A middle school coach developed that, and while it is a little mean to take advantage of the other team's naivety, it still makes for one hell of a YouTube video.  A play that is completely legal and made me proud to be a blogger.  It is what makes watching football played by kids better than the no nonsense stuff of the NFL.  The NFL is most exciting when the team does something out of the ordinary once a season.  The arbitrariness of football at the grade school, high school, and even the college level is what makes it so exciting.  The people out there aren't supposed to be mistake free.  They are not playing to make a salary, but to have fun and to win.  They play at their best at all times.

In Conclusion: The NFL is the worst type of football to watch because the straight-laced, no mistake, no chance football is humdrum and boring.  We like watching mistakes when players aren't the best to grade school.

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