Monday, September 27, 2010

College Football Week 4:

Ah, College Football has really settled and the picture is forming as most teams are a quarter of the way through the regular season.  Teams have proven themselves, others leave us questioning why one would pick them to win the BCS Championship.  The week after the week after Monster Saturday was entertaining, especially in the afternoon, but once again left me winless in upset alerts...sigh:

-The tide rises, and the tide...uh rolls:  A shout out to my boy J.F. Ploehs with a remix of this line from a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, but I digress.  Alabama gets another opportunity to wave that finger at people symbolizing "Not today!" as they beat maybe their toughest test this year going into Pig Country and downing Arkansas.

-Trouble the size of Texas: UCLA is now known for beating ranked teams from the state of Texas, beating #23 Houston easily last week and making quick work of the #7 Longhorns of Texas this weeks, in Austin nonetheless.

-Ohio State can win at home: The Bucks (my risky, gutsy, bold pick for NCAA greatness this year) are 4-0 at home....and they still have 4 left, thank God for American and unfair scheduling!

-The Big East is worse than the ACC which is worse than the Big-12 which is suddenly only looking reletively bad: The Big East went 3-4 with victories over powerhouses Colgate, Western Kentucky, and Buffalo....meanwhile, where the "power" rests in the Big East, two time defending champ Cincinnati at least looked good in a loss to Oklahoma (who is in the Big-12 may I remind you!).  Pitt was blown away by a Miami team that was blown away by Ohio State (did I mention I picked them?  Trying to get word out), West Virginia put up a fight in Death Valley losing 20-14 at LSU, and sleeper Rutgers lost 17-13 to limping North Carolina (ACC!).  This will leave the Big East with zero ranked teams as the WAC and Mountain West each have 2...sigh Big East.

-North Carolina State is not the favorite to win the ACC: I would like to correct an ESPN announcer who said NC State is now the ACC favorite....I would still take teams ahead of the #23 Wolfpack..Miami Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia Tech...NC State is deserving of recognition, but not favorite status...personally I disdain all the other teams so I hope they prove me wrong.

-Did I mention Notre Dame is not quite revived?  Okay.

-A big win this week as West Chester tops E Stroudsburg...what is up?

-My sleeper in the WAC (Nevada) is no longer a sleeper, damn you ESPN!!!  (see post #4 Boise State in August for proof)

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