Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Idiosyncratic First Half

Baseball has been flowing with idiosyncrasy this season. The season's first half has no doubt been overshadowed by players who are team-less (namely LeBron James and Brett Favre), FIFA World Cup (namely Ghana and something known as the Oranje (it is supposedly orange...)), and Kobayashi not partaking in the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest (and subsequently being arrested for pooping on the event). Baseball, nonetheless, has been much more amusing than any of these sporting events, (but maybe in the case of Favre and Bron Bron non-events). The farce known as MLB 2010 has included the following:

-The Sand Diego Padres leading in ERA, Strikeouts, and shutouts in the National League (NL), but there are no Padre pitchers on the All-Star roster.

-Jose Bautista leads the Majors with 22 homers, his previous career high was 16.

-The Mets have 10 losses via walk-off

-Cliff Lee has 6 walks in 103 and 2/3 innings pitched which is less than the 8 Edwin Jackson had in his no-hitter on June 25th

-Nice intro: There have already been 4 no-no's. There were only 2 last season.

-There have also been 2 perfect games (within 20 days of each other), the same amount as last decade (2000-2009...)

-Kansas City has the best batting average in baseball (.283) and the Blue Jays have the most home runs (123), but both are in fourth place in their respective divisions

-Joey Votto leads the NL in Homers and OPS (on-base plus slugging...both of which he is also leading), is fifth in batting average and runs batted in, fourth in runs scored...but he was not selected to the All-Star team....Phillies Manager Charlie Manuel instead took his own 1st baseman Ryan Howard (9th in homers, 20th in OPS (36th in OBP and 15th in slugging), 16th in average, 2nd in RBI's, and 8th in runs scored)

-The Arizona Diamondbacks have struck out an astounding 783 times (117 times more than the second place Florida Marlins)

-The Reds have 26 comeback wins, most in the Majors

-The Cleveland Indians have the worst attendance in the MLB at 16,231 per game...The Indians had a sellout streak of 455 games dating back from 2001 until it was snapped earlier this year. Now Cleveland sports fans worry about LeBron

-Those home run leading Blue Jays have zero walk-offs. The Astros have the least amount of HR's but have walked off twice.

-The Pirates haven't hit a homer with a runner on since Delwyn Young took Stephen Strasburg deep on June 8th in Strasburg's debut to The Show.

-The National League East is 12-24 in extra inning games

-The Pirates were 5-20 in June whilst the White Sox were 18-9

-The Pirates were outscored 1-36 by the Brewers in a series from May 20-22

-The Padres have the MLB's second lowest payroll but have 49 wins and are in 1st place....The Cubs have the 3rd highest and have 37 wins and are tied for 3rd or 4th (however you look at it)

-Ken Griffey Jr. retired

-The Reds, Padres, and Braves lead their divisions in the NL...they finished a combined 40 games back last year.

In Conclusion: Watch Baseball :O

1 comment:

  1. 1. I care about LeBron. I care that he is taking up about half of every sportscenter since the Cav's lost back in May. I care that he is so self-involved that he is holding a 1 hour, yes 1 hour, new conference simply to announce that he is signing a contract. It is ridiculous. Just say where you are going and get on with it...
