Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jason Donald Blows Perfect Game

There seem to be an overabundance of perfect games this year in baseball. There have already been two, tying this year with 1880 for the most in a single season. Roy Halladay and Dallas Braden had the shortest period between two perfect games, 20 days. Also, Braden's perfect game this year game against the team with the best winning percentage coming into the game, The Tampa Bay Rays were 22-8 (.733%). You can see where it would be a problem if this decade was already within one of the record of perfect games, (1990's with 4). It is completely justified that Jim Joyce would call Cleveland Indian's great Jason Donald safe at first when he was clearly out with 2 outs in the ninth inning and a perfect game in the making. Jim Joyce just thought it was too ridiculous for this season to have three perfect games already. I mean, how ridiculous. He easily could have called Jason Donald out, I mean Joe Indians' fan would have called Donald out, but Joyce did not want struggling Tigers' starter Armando Galarraga to join one of baseball's more elite clubs. I have watched the video ten times. Every single time I laugh, check it out,, right? You have to wonder what Joyce was thinking. He obviously has to shoulder some of the blame for the incident. However, i feel that Jason Donald is the true culprit in the crime. What was he thinking? If i was in his spot, I may have pretended to slip, fall over, anything. There was no chance that your team is coming back, there are two outs in the top of the ninth, and the opposing pitcher has a perfect game. Watch the video again, After he is called safe, Donald clearly placed his hands on his head. Whether it is in disbelief that Jim Joyce called him safe, or if he has been overcome with a severe stomach cramp (or if the ladder is from the former), it should be completely overshadowed by his clear attempt to ruin the perfect game. Joyce was only rewarding great hustle. Donald takes the quickest route to the bag, running way out of the baseline to make it there faster (in theory). Why not? I mean Donald was going down the line at a full sprint, and try to convince me that the clap at the end was not accompanied by a smile and thought of "Ha, screwed you!".

In Conclusion:
Jim Joyce made an absolutely horrendous call in the Indians-Tigers extravaganza. He blew Armando Galarraga's perfect game and brought utter hysteria among anyone who is a fan of baseball. Being the solution-ist and thinker that I am, I have decided Joyce was only rewarding great hustle, and the culprit in the entire scenario is Indians' great Jason Donald. Whether it was hate for the Tigers, hate for Galarraga, a need to use the bathroom, hatred for the game of baseball, stupidity, or resentment for being the ninth hitter in the lineup, whatever drove Jason Donald to sprint as quickly as possible down the line caused Jim Joyce to have an epic brain burp and hop on the failboat and relieved Armando Galarraga of a perfect game.

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