(6) It is okay to judge a book by it's cover, so long as you begin to read:
Oh, I hate cliches, they remind me incessantly of a group thinking mentality and conformity; however, using the opposite of a cliche is fun! Lately, the girls I have been "hanging out" with have begun to find refuge in their own cliches of life. They're main priority is the refusal of judgment...or well, criticizing others for judging them. I see it in a different light: since they are assuming we are judgmental aren't they judging us as judgmental. Thus, they become hypocrites, and Jesus says hypocrites suck, so therefore they suck...right? Wrong! I mean the world is full of people, I find this to be an indisputable point. Beyond that indisputable point lies overwhelming evidence that every single one of these disgusting folks judges people before they get to know them. I could show you a picture of any random person and you would immediately begin to think of a personality of this person. And to continue this point, if I described a person you would immediately begin to picture this person in your head. For example, if I told you about a guy I work with being a phenomenal athlete who can play basketball with the best of them. He dominates in the post and can even shoot from the outside. Immediately you pictured a black guy, right? A tall black guy at that who is skinny, but still built. If I'm wrong, then you are something I hath never encountered. Point: everyone judges people, so don't feel like a failure if you do, but do not assumed your assumption is right. Whilst you can have premonitions about a person they can always be proven wrong so long as you realize you are a flawed person...sagway!!
(5) You can be wrong:
"Erroneous! How could I be wrong? I have never met someone smarter than I, this is preposterous." It is dangerous to be a person who always assumes to be right, because no one is always right. This is important to learn because you gain a plethora of knowledge by using the knowledge of others...even more so, one can gain more knowledge by being wrong than through any other form. What is the one thing you study the most, what you know or what you don't? It's obvious. Continuing on this point, what is the answer you remember weeks after a test, the question you got right or the one you got wrong? This is important, especially considering the above lesson. If you cannot accept the flawed nature of yourself than you can never see people in a different light than your first assumption and will miss out on everything the person has to offer.
(4) Character is a broken heart:
"This article sucks! I'm not reading anymore! I was going out with her for years and she just throws it away! She played me!" Easy there, hard charger. I don't want you to think I am calling it "easy" to break up. I actually want to convey the opposite message. When someone breaks up with you when you didn't want to, you go through this phase I'll call a haze. First you try to act tough. Secondly you cry. Thirdly you try to act tough. Finally, you vow to never talk to her again and use this as a mental remedy. Wow, you are a typical break up, congratulations. I am never slow to criticize this type of procedure, because it is sad. You thought you loved this (I'll use girl here...it's a hypothetical) girl, but now you don't want to talk? Odds are you were good friends before more than friends, right? So what is the motivation for disregarding her completely.............
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I'm sure you came up with plenty of reasons, but I have one you probably didn't think of. It's because you are a huge pussy.
Pictured: Not What you Thought |
(3) Your life is not only about you:
"Gah!" I know I have confused you again, but as is customary I will not leave you with a this befuddled state. Lesson #4 does not mean what you think it means but means you need to think. You see, what I am saying is your life is not fulfilled solely through yourself. Only by being with other people can you live, and I mean LIVE! Hermitage is no way to subsist, for if no one knows you exist, do you? Now, please, do not go commit suicide because you have thoughts that no one notices you, because you are wrong in thinking this. I mean life is full of different people and there is no one in the world who cannot find another to take refuge in. Whether it be a parent, guardian, friend, spouse, or relative; there is somebody who sees you and appreciates who you are. So now it is up to you. Be a go getta! Make relationships, because being with others is what makes life fun, not sitting and blogging by yourself.
(2) It's okay to have fun!
Who says this article is full of shit? Look here, a lesson that says "fun", that's a good thing. Seriously, have fun. Don't be afraid to go crazy and occasionally go a little too far. Step outside of what your parents may want you to do. Go over the speed limit...I think it is time for another lesson.
(1) Saints and Poets...maybe
I will do my best to distribute this message. There is life, not able to be questioned, this point. The true question is, when will it end? You don't know, I don't know, John Woo doesn't know, and John Wu is clueless. Thus, it is important to take every day seriously. I mean why half ass? You could die in a car crash on the way home from school, so why shouldn't you go all out on that test? It is not a matter of tomorrow, because today is not yet yesterday. The world is full of opportunity, but do you understand what life is about? The title of this lesson comes from Our Town by Thornton Wilder. The message is only saints and poets realize they are living life. Only these two groups of people understand they are subsisting. Pretty deep, huh? Which means there is a good chance you do not understand why you are living, because a vast majority of us are not saints nor poets. Hope is still there, because of people like Thornton Wilder who point such things out. Do you know why you live yet? Is it to grow up, get married, have kids...The American Dream, right? Hahahah, I am laughing at your naivety. Life has nothing to do with this, it is about being happy. Don't you understand? Money is worthless, fame is disgusting, and beauty is nonessential. These three things are bastards because they creep into out mind as being priceless and indispensable to living a successful lifestyle. How come one be successful without money when "successful" is synonymous with "wealthy"? Easily, actually. The happiest man I have ever met was my 11th grade English teacher. He was an English teacher, obviously not the wealthiest man on planet earth. The world is so caught up in wealth. Us low lives idolize the super wealthy as demigods, if not utter immortals. We are being fooled by society today. We have been snared by the fetters of our culture. Please, I beg of you, do not be entrenched in the quagmire that is today's culture. Live for happiness, live for your own gratification (which remember can only be obtained through others), and live. Do not take anything for granted, because who knows when it may be taken away, or when you will be taken away. Life is about putting everything into it in order to find something which makes you happy. Carpe Diem, seize the day, and believe that life is more than fame, beauty, or wealth. Know why you are here.